Born in 1938. His mother emigrated a few months after his birth to Lübeck, Germany, leaving him behind in Vienna. His father was in the army. The first six months he spent at the Central Children’s Home on Bastiengasse. Afterward via the Child Foster Care Service on Lustkandlgasse to foster parents in Burgenland. After two years, for some time with his father and new wife. However, following the birth of another child, they returned him to the youth welfare services. At around age three, he came to Spiegelgrund, among others, to Pavilion 15. Released after two years. In December 1944, again to Spiegelgrund where he witnessed liberation. After 1945 until reaching legal majority, at Lower Austrian institutions in Wimmersdorf and Eggenburg. Jobs in various professions. Eventually he worked as a driver at the Vienna Transport Services for 38 years. Married since 47 years, one daughter.